Become a Dealer
Explains the steps to becoming a Futronix Dealer
Becoming a Futronix Dealer / Integrator in 6 Easy Steps
Being a business partner in the expanding worldwide network of Futronix
Dealer/Integrators is an exciting way to be part of the leading edge
industry of . . .
intelligent lighting control, building automation & energy management
. . . for residential and commercial business!
The attractive benefits of becoming an approved & established
Futronix D/I include . . .
increase your business income
market industry-leading high-tech/high-margin products
unrivalled support from a long-established manufacturer
future security within an ever-expanding industry!
A Futronix D/I can increase business income and profitability in multiple
ways . . .
sales of Futronix systems & accessories
electrical design service fees
programming service fees
electrical & cable installation
system extensions & upgrades
introduction of new products
synergy with sales of related systems!
Who Makes a Successful Futronix Dealer/Integrator?
Futronix welcomes applications to become an approved Futronix Dealer/Integrator,
particularly from dealers already involved in one or more of the
following activities:
lighting equipment dealers
audio visual consultant/installers
security professionals
home theatre designers/installers . . .
We look for dealers who will commit resources to marketing the Futronix brand &
effectively distribute our products.
1 analyse your company's: profile / industry synergy / onboard staff for engineering, installation, programming, & maintenance functions
2 complete D/I Application process for approval as a Futronix Dealer/Integrator
3 purchase demonstration systems / add demonstration aids & fit out showroom or show area at any time
4 staff to complete online or CD-based training courses to attain Futronix approved standards
5 demonstrate installation capability to accredited Futronix standards
6 commence marketing & sales!
i. Review your current company profile and marketing strategy, and possible
synergy with lighting control productsii. Appraise your current staffing levels and skill sets for the required job
descriptions in Futronix sales and marketing, engineering, installation and
programming, and ongoing maintenanceiii. Assess your current showroom space and fit-out.
Is the market for lighting control products a field that you are currently addressing?
If selling your current product(s) will help sell lighting control products - or vice
versa - there may well be a valuable synergy. How does this affect your
This analysis should highlight any obvious staffing shortages and skill sets, though increasing the product lines may require additional technical staff.
Note that all these factors will be dependent on your projected target markets and
sales levels.
In order to become an Approved Futronix D/I you will first be asked to supply
preliminary enrolment information; then you will be asked to complete the
'Futronix D/I' application form, to provide detailed information covering
the following areas:
1 name / address / contact / position
2 company information
3 territorial coverage
4 service & technical facilities
5 references
6 additional information
In order for a dealership to be approved the applicant should preferably have
a proven sales track record and be able to show that they have the capability
to provide sufficient technical support.
Dealerships commence with an initial 6-month evaluation period, following
on with a one-year contract, and then an indefinite-till-cancelled contract.
The form is available:
online at online form
on the Futronix Distributor CD-Rom, or
can be downloaded for for completion offline Futronix DI Form v04.
i. Order one of our 3 standard Futronix Demonstration Packages:
Demonstration Package 1 - for D/I's planning to feature Futronix as an
exclusive product line, with a substantial product selection suitable for light
commercial and commercial markets
Demonstration Package 2 - for D/I's planning to feature Futronix as a main
product line, with a more comprehensive package suitable for residential
developments and light commercial markets
Demonstration Package 3 - for D/I's planning to add Futronix as one of many
products, with a modest package suitable for residential markets.
We can also supply your selection subject to mutual agreement.
ii. Futronix also provide a comprehensive range of sales and demonstration aids
for immediate or future use, including:
Light Walls & Demonstration Cases - both featuring selectively backlit
Duratrans images of lighting projects and equipped with in-built dimmers - to
demonstrate dimming capabilities in the showroom and on the road
iii. Should you wish to create a showroom or display area, Futronix can help you
plan and design to best display Futronix products
Futronix can supply DVDs with artwork for logos and signage as well as
design concepts, generally free-of-charge, including:
Print & CD/DVD Materials - including Distributor CD-Rom; Artwork & Photo
DVD Sets; Training & Marketing PowerPoint and Video.
Logos/Artwork for Signage & Photos of Typical Showroom Interiors - enable
D/I's to fit-out a Futronix store/area within standard Futronix style guidelines
Futronix Posters - an expanding range of eye-catching posters showing
Futronix products and projects.
Futronix believes that business-to-business marketing procedures for mutual
success include superior service and support throughout the complete business
A Futronix D/I must employ fully qualified engineers with a strong background in
electrical engineering, who must then complete technical training for Futronix
Futronix provides staff training in the form of electronic training courses,
comprehensive information and instruction manuals, and marketing and sales
materials, including:
i. Futronix Training Aids for D/I's - includes a variety of audio-visual
presentations for product familiarisation, marketing aids, and technical
training courses covering installation and programming of Futronix dimmers.
Key D/I employees will learn how to:• analyze a project from lighting plans
• select appropriate equipment for zones/ areas
• prepare quotations and contracts
• liaise with contractors about simplicity of installation and technical details
• complete design and installation work
• program all Futronix dimmer systems
• maintain & service Futronix systems.ii. Futronix D/I Meetings - periodic gatherings of D/I's and key staff from a
region to enable D/I's to share information and ideas.
Before selling Futronix products, an approved D/I must:
i. Satisfy Futronix that they have the necessary staff, training, skills and support
facilities to ensure customer satisfaction at the appropriate market levelii. Once D/I staff have completed Futronix training courses - provided in
DVD/PowerPoint and other formats that can be reviewed easily as and when
convenient – D/I's and/or key staff will be expected to complete simple
questionnaires to verify comprehension of requisite training modulesiii. Evaluation is based on comprehension of the elements of:
• project analysis
• design and installation work
• programming capabilities
• administration
• customer relations.
Adding Futronix lighting control systems to the list of products you sell makes you
look more professional, serious and comprehensive in scope - this translates into
more products sold into one project.
Futronix systems also have synergy with other lighting products and may help you sell
other related products - such as security and fire alarm systems, A/V and home
cinema systems, and mechanical systems including drapes, curtains and sunshades.
i. Plan your marketing and sales strategies - if you are targeting primarily retail
sales and smaller residential projects, or aiming at the largest lighting projects
in your territory, plan advertising and promotions accordinglyii. Futronix continually advertise our dimming systems and promote the brand
name with advertisements, articles and advertorials, participation at major
industry trade events, and high-profile sponsorship of F3 (Formula 3000) motor
racingiii. Local or regional print advertising and trade show participation are often
rewarding, and Futronix will consider jointly supporting D/I's in such
endeavoursiv. For major projects, our well established reputation and international client
references provide an excellent introduction to purchasing departments,
consultants, and key decision makers as a 'core technology'v. Futronix subscribe to continually updated international databases, and we pass
along any leads in your territory to construction projects valued up to one
million US Dollars; additionally Futronix constantly receive leads from our
worldwide distributor network and other sources which are always passed on
to the appropriate regional distributorvi. When you identify major projects in your market, you will approach them with
confidence, knowing that with Futronix lighting control systems as your key
product, you enhance your ability to propose highly-profitable turnkey
solutions for major lighting projects.
light up your pathway to success ~ become a Futronix 'Approved Dealer'!
Our website provides complete information on
Futronix products and operations.
Become a Futronix Dealer – Click to Download pdf file 659KB
How to become a Futronix Dealer – Click to Download pdf file 270KB
Futronix Snaphot Profile – Click to Download pdf file 181KB
Online Application Form
To complete our online application form to become a Futronix dealer please click here or you can download the PDF version to fill in offline Futronix DI Form v04 here